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Wool insulates, is breathable and lasts a long time, making it ideal for outdoor uses.
Wool is a long-lasting, breathable insulator, is naturally absorbent and doesn’t capture odors. Because of these unique performance attributes, it has a long history as a preferred choice for use in outdoor clothing.
All virgin wool used in Patagonia products is sourced under the strict guidelines of the RWS (Responsible Wool Standard), and the entire supply chain that processes the wool has strict chain-of-custody practices in place to ensure the wool in our products was grown on farms that meet the highest standards for animal welfare and land management in the industry.
Since the biggest impact of making wool fiber happens at the farm level during the raising of the sheep, we’ve also developed our own PWS (Patagonia Wool Standard), which uses RWS as a foundation but goes beyond it in several key areas of animal welfare practices.
We plan to continue our commitment to the Responsible Wool Standard program.
Because we know prioritising durability results in consuming less energy, wasting less water and creating less trash. View Ironclad Guarantee