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Protect Our Rights
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In June 2017, environmental activists Jessica Hoyt and Bob Brown went before the High Court to challenge the Tasmanian Government’s anti-protest laws. Patagonia supported their legal case with a $50,000 grant and launched a campaign to urge both the Tasmanian and New South Wales Premiers to repeal legislation that silence those of us who wish to protect our environment.
Over the past few months, thousands of you have joined us in calling for the Tasmanian and New South Wales State Premiers to repeal laws that restrict our right to peaceful protest.
On 18 October 2017, the High Court of Australia ruled key provisions in the Tasmanian legislation to be excessive and invalid as they violate our implied freedom of political communication outlined in the Australian Constitution.
Despite the ruling, the Tasmanian Government continues to defend the legislation and is unwilling to repeal it through Parliament, meaning unique ecosystems such as Tasmania’s Tarkine region are still not safe.
We once again urge you to join us in rejecting these laws that restrict our right to peaceful protest and protect the environment.
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