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Mary Osborne's Ambassador Profile
Jeff Johnson
With a classic style learned on the cobblestone points of her native California, Mary has been a leading figure in women’s surfing since her first magazine cover in the early 2000’s. Since then she’s been featured in dozens of publications, from Surfer to Spin, and is co-author of Sister Surfer: A Woman’s Guide to Surfing with Bliss and Courage.
33 days crossing the Atlantic ocean to study the Atlantic Gyre and plastic pollution, 2010
Ambassador for 5 Gyres Institute and United Nations Safe Planet Campaign
Founder, Mary Osborne Surf Camps for kids and Women’s Surf and Yoga retreats
Cover of Surfer’s Path, Surf Life for Women, Making Waves, Brass, and Surfing Girl Magazine
First Women to Surf Silver Dragon tidal Bore in Hangzhou, China, 2010, 2011
Winner of Malibu Surfing Association (MSA) Surf Contest, 2009, 2010
Nominated for Action Girl of the Year and Teen Choice Award
Television host for various sports and travel shows
Winner of MTV Surf Girls
Writer for various surf and travel publications including DEEP, Rodale Publications, Self, Sunset, Women’s Surf Style and Shape magazine